Cloud 9 gay pride pin

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(Any child who wants to submit painting, poetry, drawing, photography, graphics, fiber or prints will be accepted. On June 22, a children’s art exhibit, themed “My Family,” will open at the Noah Webster Branch of West Hartford Public Library, 20 South Main St. On June 17, “Laugh With Pride” will be held at New Park Brewing at 7 p.m., with Jay Elliot, Kate Sisk, Katie Arroyo, Kendra Dawsey, Peter Angelo and Quin Lamar. On June 10, “Tell Me Another” will take place at New Park Brewing, 485 New Park Ave., at 7:30 p.m., hosted by Terry Wolfisch Cole and starring Jamie Brickhouse. in the parking lot at LaSalle and Arapahoe roads, presented by Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective and Trek Bikes. On June 9, a Pride Fun Ride will start at 5:45 p.m.

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On June 2, an all-ages-welcome kickoff party will take place from 4 to 9 p.m. On June 1, the Pride flag will be raised at 6 p.m. The third annual West Hartford Pride will take place online and in person with events all month.

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